#kamran lucas gif
digitalfate · 2 years
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Anyway here's some random Mech-X4 gifs bc why not. Idrc if you give credit. Just don't claim as your own.
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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“Oh, V, he cares about you.”
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
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Kamran Lucas
December 7, 2001
American actor
Harris [Mech-X4: 2016-2020]
Dave [Bella and the Bulldogs: 2015]
black hair
brown eyes
playable: teenager
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I’ve become quite concerned with the complete and utter obliviousness of Bay City’s residents. If a giant robot that’s several stories tall and can talk draws absolutely no attention from all but one person, I don’t even want to know what’s gonna happen when someone gets straight up murdered in this bitch.
note: sorry for the play bar in the pic. This if my first post from my new laptop and I’m still testing the waters
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amybcys · 7 years
mech x4 cast 😩💦 — the edit is trash but the cast is not!
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chloe2037 · 7 years
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Chloe via Popstar Magazine’s instagram story - (29/4/17)
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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LISTEN TO HARRIS. (the non-evil one) TWEET LIKE MAD.
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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Cute cast pic of the “entire” Mech X4 team
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Harper seriously needs to calm his tits. How can anyone be annoyed at something with that face? Spyder could be holding me at gunpoint (not that my little arachnid would ever do that) and I'd still want to snuggle with him.
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Mech X4 S01E09 Let’s Deal with our Stuff!
This episode left me with a number of questions. The biggest one, the one that’s been nagging at me for a while, is this: Why did it never cross Ryan’s mind upon the discovery of the page with his name written on it having been torn from Leo’s Journal that Leo might be his dad? Ryan just thought that he had to have known his parents, but not that Leo might be be one of his parents.If he’s the one who dropped Ryan off at the hospital, that seems like the most likely scenario. Otherwise, there would be reason to suspect he kidnapped Ryan and just got rid of him. Given what we’ve seen of Leo and his apparent motives, this seems highly unlikely, but I just find it weird that Ryan never took a second to consider that. Yes, Leo is white while Ryan is black, but it’s not like a white guy and a black woman can’t produce a black child. There are biracial people in the world. Ryan is also fairly light-skinned as far a black skin tones go, so Leo being Ryan’s father is by no means beyond the realm of possibility.
That’s just my take on things. The other questions I mentioned at the beginning of this post will be addressed in another post soon. This whole paternity thing has just been nagging me for a while and I wanted to get it out there.
So long and thanks for all the fish, Nixie
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Ryan, if you need a friend to talk to, talk to Harris. I’m sort of an idiot and will say the wrong thing
Spyder, Mech-X4 S01E09 Lets Deal With Our Stuff!
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Mech-X4 S01E08 Let’s Get the Big Bad!
Of two things I am absolutely certain:
1. Principal Grey is, in fact, not dead. It’s way too early in the series for that sort of shit to go down. That, and it was just way too fucking easy. One second, Ryan has a fairly solid grip on her arm and is trying to pull Principal Grey back into the Robot, the next, Grey, a woman with serious combat training, looses her grip and falls. That fall was planned to a T. Principal Grey has shown herself to have pretty sharp tactical knowledge and to think on her feet. She isn’t dead. It’s just not fucking possible.
2. Harper is Grey’s boss. He clearly has ulterior motives for dating Mark and Ryan’s mom. It not only allows him to cozy up to the boys and gain their trust for a later double-cross, but it also provides him with an opening through which he can obtain information relating to Mech-X4.
There’s just no two ways about it. If I am, however, wrong, keep in mind that I’m only halfway through the season so far. No spoilers please. Anyone who starts hurling spoilers at me will both be bombarded with terrible car puns and given a copy of The National Enquirer and forced to take a shot of cholula sauce for every exclamation point they can find.
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Mech X4 S01E07 Let's Get Our Robot Back! There's something worrisome - no, flat out disturbing - about how quickly Ryan bought into principal Grey's story about her boss. She's given him no reason to trust her thus far. She fucking abducted his bigger brother and then used her status as his principal to get into his home under false pretenses. All Grey does to swing Ryan to her side, or at least get him to seriously consider doing so, is make some vague threats about the Big Bad's plans to destroy the world. In no way does she substantiate her claims. Given everything this cunt has put Mech-X4 through in the short period of time that the team/robot has been active. Not a single person on that team has any business making deals with her. That doesn't even touch on the fact that Ryan is making this decision without consulting the rest of the team. He may be the one with the superpower, the one who controls the robot, but he needs Mark, Spyder, and Harris to fight and to keep the robot functional.
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Mech-X4 S01E06 Let’s Survive in the Woods!
Harris’s statement about only having irrational fears still has me puzzled. Look at the episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn - S03E14 She Blinded Him With Science (Bob). The whole plot revolved around Nicky, Dicky, and Dawn trying to convince Ricky, the brainiac of the group, that superstitions were real. While they eventually convinced him, he was a damn tough nut to crack. He was the exact opposite of Harris - Ricky’s only fears were rational ones.
This is why Harris’s statement is so confusing to me. Both Ricky and Harris are men of science, yet the prepubescent child is more rational about his fears than the high school freshman. As part of the Mech-X4 team, Harris needs to have rational fears, or at least be alert and aware of potential threats or other problems..
The one thing that really doesn’t sit right with me is the phone explosion scene. I understand that they needed a drop-of-a-hat save, but every goddamned person who went on that trip will be pretty pissed to learn that their phones have all been fried to hell and the chaperones will want to know as well. Spyder, Harris, and Ryan had better be some damned good actors if they don’t want to tip anyone off to the fact that their phones are just fine. Mech-X4 need to focus more of staying under the radar. There are so many minuscule ways in which they could accidentally draw the attention of the wrong person with the wrong plans or connections.
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Mech-X4 S01E05 Let’s Be Idiots!
On a scale of Harris to Spyder, how has your day been? I’d say I’m pretty far on the Harris side of the spectrum. I just got a job interview with this escape room simulation place called Breakout Games. If I get the position, my job title will be Game Master. Maybe then Spyder will reciprocate my love for him. We can’t be together now since he’s 14 and I’m 20, but in a few years, that kind of an age gap won’t be so weird.
I really want to know more about this whole wedding planner thing, though. There are just so many questions.
How did he get into this field of work?
How much does he charge?
How does he get clients?
Does he advertise in the local paper?
If he plans such terrible weddings, how does he keep getting business?
What kind of connections does he have in the event planning field?
Does he have a business office for meeting with clients?
Does he have business cards?
So many questions, yet so few answers. On a completely unrelated note, how is it that Harris knew that the gravity pucks were, in fact, gravity pucks the instant he saw them? Honestly, if it were me, I’d probably just use them as coasters. Or completely ineffective frisbees. Or I’d just sit on one because that’s the kind of person I am. Given the fact that Mech-X4 is under no adult supervision whatsoever, it’s probably a good thing I don’t have access to it.
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Every time I hear a leaf crunch, or a twig snap, I pee a little.
Harris, Mech-X4 S01E06 Let's Survive the Woods!
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